I'm not a practising Catholic, but I despair that we all ignore the history and age-old traditions connected to the celebration of Christmas. Why can't schools, for instance, perform the Nativity at the end-of-year concert instead of some generic 'Songs from the World' or 'Seasons of the bloody Year'? I suppose the 'Seasons' vaguely refers to the Pagan rituals of the Winter Solstice etc. etc. But, whether you like it or not, Christmas is partly about the birth of Christ. Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant. It is a part of our history and should be celebrated as such. Anyway, it's a damn good story. Poo jab to snow falling in winter and sun shining in Summer; and if I hear another word about Saving the Animals in Africa I will turn all Grinch and burn trees. If you can't stomach Christianity, then at least give us the fat man in the red suit flying through the night sky in a sleigh driven by reindeer (cripes - how's that for suspension of disbelief???)! And for Pete's sake, let the kids sing a carol!
Personally, though, I'm a sucker for the story about an ordinary woman impregnated by an angel (well, not physically) and then travelling through the desert on a slow old donkey to give birth in the completely unsanitary surrounds of a barn full of animals! Not to mention some random shepherds following a particularly big star (when they are supposed to be looking after the sheep) to the stable in question, followed by a small troupe of lavishly dressed Kings who just happen to be roaming the desert as well. That, my friends, is how it's done. And as much as I love seeing the Grade 6s get all emotional over 'The Way we Were' ('omit' fingers down throat), who on Earth is not moved by a rousing rendition of the stunning hymn 'Jerusalem'? Or, one of my absolute favourites, 'Oh, Holy Night'?
Please, people, bring back the true essence of this festive season.
So, to leave you with something visual that might just bringle a Christmas tingle, here are some snaps from our home (where we do it with gusto and a ho, ho, ho!):
Err, so there's just a little bit of 'The World' here . . .
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