Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fishing Fascination

We just got back from a road trip to Western Australia. I had to get some time to do things with the kids that didn't involve bossing them around about stuff they have to do to get by in life such as times tables, tidying your room and generally living a hygienic life and manners etc. I just wanted to bum around with them in some nice weather making sandcastles, listening to their long-winded stories and cuddling without cutting it short to get to school. We even went for a few days without a shower. It's actually okay and you do adjust to being covered in sweat and sand and dirt after a while.

So off to Esperance and Cape Le Grand for a more 'boho' lifestyle.

One thing we did totally become addicted to was fishing. Catching, killing and eating them. I was rapt to see Lucie get right into it and we found we shared this passion. She was great - caught a cod and squid, which we ate for dinner. Some of my fondest memories of the trip were fishing in silence with her off the rocks in the sunshine. Now that is a moment to cherish. Enjoy the snaps . . .

The Bait

The Herring


The strange fly-protector headgear.

Me and my little fishergirl

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